636 N. Carrollton Ave.
New Orleans, LA 70119
(985) 792-0991
(Branch Office)
34 Minowan Miikan Lane
Toronto, Ontario, M6J 0G3
(437) 702-2970
Questions, Quotes, Appointments, Concerns, Dinner Requests, Random “hellos”...whatever you want is fine by us. We will get back to you by the next business day.
Increase gift card sales and build your new talent client base with our two-in-one campaign.
Run dates: May 12 - June 15
Order by April 7 to launch May 12!
Recommended promotion:
Free new talent haircut with gift purchase of $50 or more.
Execution: Guest receives a printed gift card shell with offer at time of gift card purchase. Can be used with gift card or stand alone with product purchase.