Resume: Bachelor of Arts in English from Millsaps College; experience on the agency side, the client side and the media side; Ad Club of New Orleans Marketing Director of the Year, 2012
Hidden Talents: Innate sense of pricing; would dominate on The Price is Right. Performing dramatic monologues. Can (still) do the Clock.
Not-So-Hidden: Writing, editing, media-buying, people-juggling, strategic planning, common sense
Bravest Moment: Stranded in Paris in the rain, 3 young daughters in tow, an hour from the airport and late for a flight. Lots of puddles, suitcases and tears, no cabs to be found. Doubles as the best lesson in perseverance ever (they just made the flight).
Invaluable Because: Her attention to detail and super-human memory make her an encyclopedia of marketing tricks. A thoughtful approach to every decision lets clients and co-workers know that nothing has fallen through the cracks.