Resume: Bachelor of Business Administration from University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Extensive experience making geeky seem sexy – banking software, computer training, and pharmaceutical marketing.
Countries Visited: India (favorite), England (birthplace), Jamaica, Mexico, Turks and Caicos and Bahamas
Mantra: "Be the change you want to see in the world."
Reality Show Aspirations: A love of brain teasers and riddles make her a sure bet for The Amazing Race, but her vegetarianism is holding her back – wouldn’t eat a bug for a million dollars.
Success Means: Using professional skills to make a personal difference. Meeting celebrities.
If She Wasn’t Here: She’d be white water rafting, zip lining, sky diving or hang-gliding.
Invaluable Because: She’s a thrill-seeker with a calming demeanor, a blend that subtly guides clients and co-workers to confidently take chances.