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New Orleans

636 N. Carrollton Ave.
New Orleans, LA 70119

(985) 792-0991


(Branch Office)
34 Minowan Miikan Lane
Toronto, Ontario, M6J 0G3

(437) 702-2970

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IM Marketing Blog

Branding: When It’s Over Vs. When To Rekindle It

So your brand needs updating. Start from scratch or tweak what you’ve got? IM Marketing strategy & design experts guide you through a refresh vs. rebrand.

The Marie Kondo Effect on Your Brand’s Social Media Presence

“Does this spark joy?” is probably a question you’ve heard lately, because it’s 2019 and the current cultural trend is Marie Kondo-ing your life. And if you’ve ever cleaned out your closet, you know that this is actually pretty life changing.