636 N. Carrollton Ave.
New Orleans, LA 70119
(985) 792-0991
(Branch Office)
34 Minowan Miikan Lane
Toronto, Ontario, M6J 0G3
(437) 702-2970
Questions, Quotes, Appointments, Concerns, Dinner Requests, Random “hellos”...whatever you want is fine by us. We will get back to you by the next business day.
Posted on Jan 03, 2019 by Imaginal Marketing
DO: Claim your business’ Yelp listing. That gives your owner access to the listing—which includes ability to advertise, optimize your listing, and respond to reviews.
DON’T: Offer incentives for someone to review your business on Yelp. This violates their Terms of Service and will get your listing tagged with a Yelp CONSUMER ALERT for a period of several weeks to months.
DO: Activate Yelp alerts to notify you when you get a new review. Respond quickly and strategically to negative ones.
DON’T: Publicly offer an unhappy reviewer a “make-good” like a gift card, free service, or discount. If you’re inclined to offer something to make up for a poor experience, do so in private. Otherwise, you’re telling everyone they could score freebies from you if they leave a bad review.
DO: Invest in an “enhanced profile” on Yelp. It’s $125/month and worth it.
DON’T: Ask people to leave a Yelp review while in your salon. Getting color processed might seem like the ideal time for a guest to review you, but all those positive reviews would come from your salon’s IP address. That emulates the behavior of one person writing multiple reviews, and would (again) get your listing a CONSUMER ALERT tag.
DO: Leverage good reviews. Post the best ones on social media and/or your website. If your overall star rating is a 4 or above, consider advertising on Yelp. (If you aren’t at 4 stars, work on raising your star rating first.)
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